Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
The resting metabolic rate is a simple test to undergo that provides a very valuable piece of information if you are trying to establish a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are trying to lose weight, trying to gain muscle, or just trying to be healthy your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is a crucial piece of information. So what is it? Your RMR is the amount of energy you burn every day doing nothing at all. It is a measure of your specific metabolism. Every day we burn calories just surviving…breathing, heart beating, staying cool, etc. Many people use average numbers for all people but as we know, everyone is not the same and only a few are actually on that average. If we say the average RMR for men is 1600 calories and for women, 1400, where do you fall on the spectrum. Are you actually 100 calories below that? Above it? This test measures what your rate is to help you plan your calorie consumption accordingly.
The test is easy to do. You simply restfully breathe through a tube for a few minutes and let the machine analyze how much energy you are burning while you rest. The output is your RMR. We also will incorporate your typical lifestyle and exercise habits to give you an accurate gauge of how many calories you burn every day. Knowledge is power and this simple test can ensure your nutrition goals are in line with your metabolism.
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